Water SFX, Rain, bespoke FX
Aquatic Impact designs, builds and provides staffing to enable water elements of any scale to be bought in to your studio space, event or filming location.
Just some examples of our capability are:
Custom size timber pools constructed from our modular system, including our unique double liner system that achieves secondary containment. More here
Infinity edge pools
Our pre-built mobile 6m x 2m x 1.9m steel and acrylic tank, this is the largest mobile tank of it's type in existence. More here
Custom built glass/acrylic tanks to meet the specific technical demands of complex shots.
Rain and jet water effects, triggered on cue by hand or remote - suitable for interactive displays and experiential events.
Water mist effects
On site heating of large volumes of water in short spaces of time.
On site water quality management, to ensure the water is sanitised and remains crystal clear.
Please contact us to discuss your ideas and we will find a way to make your vision a reality.
Some notable work includes:
Lewis Capaldi Album/Tour Artwork Water tank & SFX
Huggies® Little Swimmers®
Secret Cinema: Blade Runner ('acid' rain FX)
Secret Cinema: James Bond (water shower FX)
Secret Cinema: 28 Days Later ('blood' rain and theatrical blood FX)
Tom Ford: Black Orchid - TVC
Maison Margiela S.W.A.L.K. 2 - FILM
Various fashion/catwalk shows & shoots
Jaguar Land Rover - water displays for multiple vehicle reveals and the centrepiece 'rain rig' and water pool that forms part of the Land Rover international motor show display stand.