Giant Mobile Tank
The largest portable tank of it's type, totally unique.
Aquatic Impact have supplied the giant water tank for countless TV & Film productions, often centre-stage as 'a water tank', sometimes built in to a surrounding set to create a flooded room, a watery pit, flooded cave etc.
The tank is extremely versatile and purpose built for production use:
Bunded water filter/pump/heater with leak sensing control.
Interior lashing points (to secure set/props/stunt rigging).
Acrylic 'windows' - no green/blue tint.
Easy to dress outer steel frame.
Crystal clear water - or dyed.
Wheels to enable fine positioning in to tight spaces.
Jacking & lifting points.
Notable work includes:
A League of Their Own - TV show, from series 7 -14 (and counting!)
Kick Ass 2 - Feature movie
5. Halvleg - Danish panel show
Britain's Got Talent - TV show
Drowned - Documentary
Discovery: Breaking Magic - TV show
Ben Hanlin's Live and Deadly
Nivea Dare to Dip Campaign - Covent Garden, London
Various underwater shots and scenes are additionally filmed in the tank at our own facility, for insertion in to numerous TV documentaries and drama productions. Details of our facility here